If you couldn't have seen $4/gallon gas coming the moment that Nancy "Mafia Princess" Pelosi got "elected" Speaker of the House then you don't read the Bible. I wonder just how much of the money good, hard working Christians pay at the pump goes right into the purse made of the skin of dead pre-borns that Pelosi carries around with her? $2? $3? The straight out fact is that gas went up 70% since the dumbo-crats took over Congress. 70%! That buys a lot of crack, don't it, "Senator" Obama? It's all part of the lie-beral plan to destroy the American economy and set up a Communist dictatorship in the US headed by a murderous, left-handed, gay, negro, crackhed voodoo priest whose name I ain't gonna mention.
See, by driving up the price of gas, they're hoping to start what Pelosi calls "the grand and glorious revolution of the proletariat". They think the American people are so stupid that they won't see through their evil plan, blame the Republican party and vote for a murderous, left-handed, gay, negro, crackhed voodoo priest who'll then declare himself Supreme Commissar for Life, opening the door for Obama bin Laden to waltz right in and make it illegal to have bacon with your eggs in the morning.
If Homobama gets elected, ham, bacon and sausage will
no longer be allowed on the family breakfast table because
we will be forced to be muslims
Americans ain't that stupid, though, and when God appoints the new president, gas prices are gonna fall faster than Michelle Obama fell for the line that her "husband" was a heterosexual.
"How's that gonna happen, Billy Bob," all the drugged out lie-beral zombies are gonna cry, "Lord Obama says it's impossible to bring down gas prices and we believe him cuz he's so handsome!" Well, he's lying! Simple as that! We got oil lying all over the United States of America, just wanting to be drilled and dug up but the dumbo-crats won't let us! They'd rather see Americans suffer and wilt rather than lift a finger to help them After all, John Kerry don't give a fig about ordinary Americans. He justs wants to laugh at their pain!
This is the vision of the American family put forth by the dumbo-crats
for the 2008 election. You think this is why God created America?
And Americans are suffering under the iron thumb of La Cosa Pelosi
- A family in Texas had to cancel their cable to pay for gasoline
- A family in Maine had to cancel their summer vacation plans just to send their son to Eagle Scout camp in Colorado
- A family of twelve in Oklahoma has to get by on a quarter can of beans per person just to be able to afford to drive their Escalade to get the kids to school.
- A grandmother in Mississippi died because her son couldn't afford the gas to drive her to the emergency room when she had a stroke.
The number of tragedies wrought by the dumb0-crats numbers into the millions! And all of it could be avoided if they'd step out of the way and let us get the oil God gave us. It's like this spokesman said on Fox News Sunday a couple of weeks ago -
The Creator didn’t leave oil and gas on every plot of land
But he did tell us how to find it and we owe it to both ourselves AND God to use what he gave us.
Can you find ANWAR? If it's so big, then how come you can't see it?
Now, unless you're home schooled, you probably don't know that this is a map of the world. If you look at the purple part in the upper left hand side - that's Alaska. There's a whole ton of oil in Alaska that the Dumbo-crats wanna tell us we can't use. Why? Because we might kill a couple of snow fleas. Oh, boo hoo! Let all the grandmother's in America die from strokes but please, oh, please save the snow fleas! Y'all can call me anything you want but I would personally hunt down every gol-darned snow flea in the world to save my grandmother.
Save the snow flea or save Grandma? The only possible reason to
spend any kind of time thinking about this question is if you're a drug
Another reason the commies say we can't take God's oil outta there is that it's so "pristine". That's a bunch of crap because I bet they never been to Alaska since most homos don't like the cold. Can you see Barney Frank up there in ANWAR trying to have butt sex with an Eskimo. I bet they'd be feasting on his blubber in no time flat! I might be able to understand not drilling around the Creation Science musem because there's people there to enjoy it. But ANWAR?! No, sir.
There are some lie-berals that say it'll take 30 years to start getting oil outta ANWAR and it don't help with the short term solution. They're stupid. If we'd started drilling there 30 years ago we wouldn't be where we are now!
What would you say to 3 trillion barrels of oil? Think that'd bring down the price of gas? Lie-berals say no thank you. This is the only country in the world where we hold a wake when we find new oild supplies! Shale oil extraction could solve our gas crisis overnight. But the dumbo-crats won't even let you dig a hole in the ground. "We have to respect Mother Goddess Earth", they blaspheme. Let's just remember that God told us that we held DOMINION over the earth! The only thing that we ain't supposed to touch is the forbidden fruit and that dumb broad already messed that one up. So just like the female of the species always does, Pelosi don't do what God wants and does do what He don't want. We are the Saudi Arabia of coal and shale AND we don't wear towels on our heads. That's a win-win in everybody's book except the lie-berals. You see, it don't advance the revolution.
What's wrong with digging holes? Beats me! I bet that
lie-beral parents don't even let kids dig in a sandbox now!
What do you care about more - having the God-given right to drive around the corner to the store or taking a ride on a dolphin? That's one of them questions that you don't really answer. It's more to make the point that defeato-crats are so stupid that they don't realize that we are part of the environment too! It ain't the plants and animals that made America the greatest country on earth. It's people! And progress takes energy. Them Greenpeace terrorists don't never think about the fact that it takes gas for to drive their boats to stop Americans from having a nice tuna fish sandwich for lunch. If they was honest then they'd swim. But they ain't. Instead, they wanna let 85% of the oil that that Creator put under the ocean just rot like milk left out on the counter. Why? Because they hate America.
If Greenpeace really cared about the environment like they
claim they do, they'd stop using boats to rob Americans of
the gas that belongs to them and swim instead.
So to sum it all up, if you don't wanna turn this country into a land of commie mulisms sitting around reading the koran by candlelight call your congressman TODAY and tell him that you want every single drop of oil we can get our hands on!
God is Love!
www. billybobneck.com
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